Xavier Board of Higher Education in India – XBHEI

Xavier Board of Higher Education in India – XBHEI

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XB Networking & Academic Collaboration


The challenges of higher education in India today demand a significant shift in strategy for institutions around the idea of collaboration and the development of much deeper partnerships than higher education has ever seen before. We found that colleges have emerged from the previous era in different strategic positions. Collaboration in this new era involves colleges and universities coming together as seemingly one institution to change their future direction. National /Regional level Programs are arranged for the effective implementation of the academic collaboration.

The link provided in the website under Networking and Collaborations facilitate to express the areas of interest and categories for collaborations among Xavier Board institutions. The areas of networking / specialisations of the member colleges are given as faculty development programme, student development program, extension services, access to library, research, consultancy, curriculum development, sharing e-content, joint sports events, entrepreneurial development, collaborations for Seminars and Conferences etc. This will create a spirit of good will among the XB member institutions in sharing of resources – academic –  infrastructural – technological-other e-resources. The unity and cooperation among the management, faculty and the students will enhance mutual enrichment and growth of the institution and its stakeholders.

Collaboration is key to the future of higher education. No matter the size or length of years of a higher learning institution, certain strategies can make collaborations and partnerships more effective and stay financially viable. Hence this initiative can bring about a definite change in the attitude and outlook of catholic higher educational institutions in India with a shared vision and responsibility benefitting from each other, enriching each other in mutually sustainable initiatives.

Partnerships between universities are beneficial to all, from the staff and students to the world as a whole. The rate of internationalization / Nationalisation is growing rapidly, with unhindered communication channels and inexpensive travel. Universities /Colleges /Institutes across the world are already seeking to make the most of the possibilities this presents by forming partnerships and fostering relationships with other institutions.

Collaboration can provide a much-needed boost and quickly in academic and co-curricular offerings for institutions without strengths in certain areas. By emphasizing collaboration, we can define this new era of higher education as one of growth through cooperation rather than retrenchment.

The objectives of the XB-AA Audit are to:

Step 1: Identify areas for collaboration

Collaboration can take many different forms and the most common type of alliance is around academics and research. As we begin to identify areas where partnerships might be possible, here are some areas of Collaboration between Universities /Colleges /Institutions are:

Research Collaborations:

Faculty Exchange with Partner Universities:

Student Exchange with Partner Universities:

Promotion of integrated studies for related studies:

Some of the area’s of Collaboration between Universities/Colleges/Institutes and Industry are as follows:

Step 2: Structure potential partnership opportunities

Institutions choose collaborating partners based less on proximity and more on the importance of shared vision. As Universities/Colleges/Institutes begin to prepare to structure a deal with a partner, here are some key questions to consider:

Research Collaborations:

Sustain the benefits of a partnership

Forging a partnership might be the easy task; sustaining the benefits of a partnership over the long term could prove more difficult. Hence, Communication is the key to sustain any partnerships.