Xavier Board of Higher Education in India – XBHEI

Xavier Board of Higher Education in India – XBHEI

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Academic & Administrative Audit


Accreditation has been the most visible influence for reflective review within higher Education. NAAC, one of the professional accrediting agencies for most of the HEI’s in India, provides a regularized, structured mechanism for quality assurance and improvement through a process of Self-study and Peer Review. While each accreditation cycle is reflective of the functioning of an institution for a span of 5 / 7 years, institutions are expected to continuously improve their Academic and Administrative functioning irrespective of their current status.

Undertaking an academic and administrative audit from time to time will help an institution review the processes or procedures that the Administration and Faculty members use to provide quality education in their institution and department.

There are many approaches to review of an institution’s functioning. Xavier Board’s AA process does not try to second-guess decisions made by the stakeholders on curriculum enrichment, student enrolment, teacher profile, teaching-learning process, associated infrastructure, etc., nor does it attempt to “micromanage” the way teaching-learning is carried out or how the institution is managed. On the other hand it is a well thought of, curated, tested and comprehensive process.

The audit process is designed to verify the presence or absence of compliances and will look at practices and procedures that are detrimental to quality enhancement and sustenance.

The objectives of the XB-AA Audit are to:

XB – AA Audit will

The process adopted by the XB – AA Audit is:

  1. Opening meeting with the faculty,
  2. Presentation of reports by the Principal and the Heads of departments,
  3. On-site visit to the departments, centres and facilities,
  4. Interaction with members of the Board of Management / Governing Board, parents and alumni/ae association, students’ representatives, administrative and supporting staff and other stake holders,
  5. Perusal of documents in support of policies, procedures, programmes, and activities, and
  6. Exit meeting with Management and Faculty.

The Audit Team

The XB – AA Audit team will comprise three or four experienced and knowledgeable members drawn from academic institutions, and who have been trained by XB to be AA auditors. Confidentiality regarding information submitted / shared by the institution will be maintained by the Audit team members as well as Xavier Board.

The Audit Report

The team will give a comprehensive Administrative Report (AR) to the institution incorporating the various aspects of the institution’s functioning. Academic Audit Report (AAR) for each department based on the manual submitted, on-site visit, interaction with faculty, students and other stakeholders as well as perusal of documentary evidences.

Financial Aspect

The institution will pay the registration fee, honorarium to the members of the team as decided by Xavier Board, and expenses related to travel, boarding and lodging of the team. Further details will be intimated to the institution on request.

Instructions for Completing Manuals

Grievance and Appeal

An independent body comprising some of the Executive Board members of Xavier Board will look into any grievance or appeal, if any, made by the Institution with regard to XB-AA Audit process.

REQUISITION LETTER (to be given on institution letter-head/apply online)

(Name of the Head of the Institution
With full postal address)

The Coordinator,
XB -AAA Committee,
31, Primrose Road, Bangalore 560025

Dear Co-ordinator,

Sub: Request for conducting XB – AA Audit in (name of the College).

This is to request XBHEI to kindly conduct an ‘ADMINISTRATIVE AND ACADEMIC AUDIT’ of (Please name the Institution / college) College. We will hereby abide by the terms and conditions of process as detailed by XBHEI and pay the Registration fee for the same. The institution will take responsibility for the travel, boarding and accommodation of the Audit team members during the Audit period as well pay the remuneration to them as per the rates detailed by XBHEI.

Thanking you,

Yours sincerely,

(Head of the Institution)