Xavier Board of Higher Education in India – XBHEI

Xavier Board of Higher Education in India – XBHEI

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Pricing Policy

Pricing Policy

At Xavier Board of Higher Education in India, we are committed to providing transparent and competitive pricing for our services. Our pricing policy is designed to ensure fairness value.

We want to make the pricing process as straightforward as possible. If you have any questions or need further clarification about our pricing policy, simply reach out to us through our contact page and you will be assisted.

The pricing is given separately for each service provided. See the different tabs available on the website for further details.

Note: The upcoming Xavier Board Annual General Body Meeting in October 2023 @ Kochi, Kerala will have a registration fee of Rs. 3800/- per person, and the accommodation fee can be viewed in the registration form.

Any complaints or concerns in relation to your Personal Information or content of this Website or any dispute or breach of confidentiality or any proprietary rights of User during the use of the Website or any intellectual property of any User should be immediately informed to the Grievance cum Nodal Officer at the co-ordinates mentioned below in writing or by way of raising a grievance ticket through the hyperlink mentioned below:

Grievance cum Nodal Officer

Dr. Teresa CSST

Xavier Board of Higher Education in India
Bangalore, 560025

Ph: 8310495091

E-mail: xavierboard@gmail.com

Grievances portal: www.xavierboard.org