Xavier Board of Higher Education in India – XBHEI

Xavier Board of Higher Education in India – XBHEI

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Best Researcher Award

Xavier Board National Excellence Award 2024 (XBNEA)


Teaching experience3 years – 1 point
2. University/Institution from where the Ph.D. is awardedReputed research institution- 5 Central University – 4 Others- 3
3. Area of ResearchThe research area must be of relevance to the promotion of social sciences and policy-making
4. Research Guide5 points
5. How many Ph.Ds. have been awarded under your guidance?Per student – 2 points
6. Research grant- UGC/ DST/ DBT or any other fellowshipUGC/ DST/ DBT or any other fellowship – 5
7. Number of Interdisciplinary research projects undertakenProjects funded by UGC/ICSSR/ Private agencies 1 project – 3 points
8. Projects undertaken in collaboration with other institutions1 project – 3 points
University/Institution of Ph.D.Reputed research institution – 5 Central University – 4 Others – 3
9. PublicationsInternational publications- 4 points National publications – 2 points
10. Impact factor i.e. Citation Index of the researcher’s publicationsGoogle Scholar
11. Working papers published2 points for each working paper
12. Did the researcher’s research work have any impact on Government policy?Impact – 3 points
13. Papers in refereed Conference proceedingEach paper presented – 5 points
14. Awards/ Accolades won by Researcher for his/her workAward certificate 1 award- 2 points

Note: Kindly upload the supporting documents wherever asked to enable the jury to make objective assessments.


1.      Teaching experience3 years of teaching – 1 point
2.      University/Institution from where the Ph.D. is awardedReputed research institution- 5 Central University – 4 Others- 3
3.      Area of ResearchResearch area must be of relevance to the promotion of understanding of the business world and economy
4.      Research Guide5 points
5.      How many Ph.Ds. have been awarded under your guidance?Per student 2 points
6.      Research grant- UGC/ DST/ DBT or any other fellowshipUGC/ DST/ DBT or any other fellowship – 5
7.      Number of Interdisciplinary research projects undertakenProjects funded by UGC/ICSSR/ Private agencies 1 project – 3 points
8.      Projects undertaken in collaboration with other institutions1 project – 3 points
9.      PublicationsInternational publications-  4 points National publications – 2 points
10.  Impact factor i.e. Citation Index of the researcher’s publicationsGoogle Scholar
11.  Working papers published2 points for each working paper
12.  Did the researcher’s research work have any impact on Government policy or corporate policy?Impact – 3 points
13.  Is the researcher engaged in corporate consultancy?1 consultancy- 3 points
14.  Papers in refereed Conference proceedingEach paper presented – 5
15.  Awards/ Accolades won by Researcher for his/her workAward certificate 1 award- 2 points

Note: Kindly upload the supporting documents wherever asked to enable the jury to make objective assessments.


1.      Teaching experience3 years of teaching – 1 point
2.      University/Institution from where the Ph.D. is awardedReputed research institution- 5 Central University – 4 Others- 3
3.      Area of ResearchThe research area must be of relevance i.e. application of scientific knowledge to real-world problems
4.      Research Guide5 points
5.      How many Ph.Ds. have been awarded under your guidance?Per student 2 points
6.      Research grant- UGC/ DST/ DBT or any other fellowshipUGC/ DST/ DBT or any other fellowship – 5
7.      Number of Interdisciplinary research projects undertakenProjects funded by UGC/CSIR /DST Private agencies 1 project – 3 points
8.      Projects undertaken in collaboration with other institutions1 project – 3 points
9.      PublicationsInternational publications-  4 points National publications – 2 points
10.  Impact factor i.e. Citation Index of the researcher’s publicationsGoogle Scholar
11.  Working papers published2 points for every working paper
12.  Did the researcher’s research work have any impact on Government policy?Impact – 3 points
13.  Is the researcher engaged in consultancy?1 consultancy- 3 points
14.  Papers in refereed Conference proceeding1 paper presented – 5
15.  Awards/ Accolades won by Researcher for his/her workAward certificate 1 award- 2 points
16.  PatentsFor every patent – 10 points

Note: Kindly upload the supporting documents wherever asked to enable the jury to make objective assessments